Thursday, September 27, 2007
Visiting Msilitza with the COTN Organization...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Friends and milk????
Okay so here is my milk. It is not in my fridge it is on my pantry shelf. This is about 3 gallons worth. Each one is 500 ml. Total it is $6.50 gallon. Crazy. I also have orange juice that is $4.00 a gallon. So it can be spendy. They are both warm until I put in the fridge and they are cold when they are served... Yuck who wants warm milk or juice...
So what does our week look like this week.
Nya goes to school everyday until 12pm.
Bob teaches until 12pm everyday
Tomorrow I will work in the clinic with the x-ray tech to help organize and create some structure for him. Then in the afternoon I will go with some college students to an outreach they need a ride to. Then on Thursday I plan to go help with COTN. The organization that I talked about before. I will send pictures when I get them. Then on Friday, I plan to go help at a local Crisis Nursery. They take children with AIDS, Unwanted, Malnutrition, and Unable to take care of by parents because they are too poor. SO I will be going with my friend Mary( who is a freshman student here) and my friend Megan who you all saw before. There about 22 babies there right now and about 3 people to help them. So they always need someone to help rock, change, feed, And be an extra set of hands.
I plan to take Nya with me and Analise will be napping. So I will keep you updated!
Lots of love- Amy Louise
P.S. My dear friend Leanne broke her wrist on Saturday. So please pray for rapid healing for she is a teacher at the academy and momma and wife and really needs her right hand. She is right handed. :(
Friday, September 21, 2007
For some reason it didn't work...¤t=MVI_1333.flv
technology! We love it until it doesn't do what we want!
Amy louise
Nya singing in chapel...
Here is Nya's first grade teacher for next year. Her name is Megan and she comes over to hang with us weekly. She is 2 houses down. Now Analise was in "I just woke up mode and you are taking a picture of me. "
I will tell you that I will get more of Africa for you as our journey continues. Love you all- Amy Louise
Thursday, September 20, 2007
We are alive and doing better...
So we are just plugging away here Still adjusting. We have been 6 weeks and It really feels like 6 months. I am missing american candy and Target these days. I know its dumb but somedays you just miss comforts of what you are familiar with.
Thank you for loving us and emailing us. We keep the stories coming. Love - amy louise for the family!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I take it back...
I will keep you updated on our conditions... Amy Louise
We got a bug and no water...
And we have been without water off and on these last couple of days. It is amazing when the water goes out, you find yourself soooo thirsty and craving a shower. But what an American I am - I lose water for a day and I am hyperventilating When is it going to come back on? Hurry who is going to fix it and what is the problem and please who can fix it now! We have water every minute of every hour of every day in America and we don't think about it. But when you see here the cute mommas pumping their bucket full of water at a community well pump and putting it on the head to take home mind you with a baby on their back you say man I am so spoiled. I need to hush it!
Here is a website of the outreach that I am going to (along with my friend Leanne and will probably be bringing Nya) hopefully start helping these next couple weeks. It is called Children of the Nations! The village that we would go work in is about 5 minutes from our house. The village is named Mtsilitza
Here are the website details:
In the village of Mtsiliza, COTN operates a Village Assistance Program feeding 450+ children on a daily basis. This village is located in the capital city of Lilongwe. In addition to biblical instruction and English lessons, orphans are given nutritious meals and love from our caring staff. The most vulnerable orphans are given two meals a day and schooling.
A small Skills Center provides training to caregivers and guardians as a means to help them care for their children and “adopted children.”
A Teen Girls’ Home and a Teen Boys’ Home provide residential care for vulnerable youth who otherwise would have to fend for themselves on the streets.
Additional villages have been identified in the general vicinity and are being ministered to through emergency food supplies, medical attention, biblical teaching, and clothing. COTN has also provided food and supplies to an additional 1,500 children through approved missions or churches.
So in this village it is not drive able with my car because I need a truck to get in. So we need to work out transportation but it seems like there is a contact that will work out. But check out the website it is pretty detailed in what they do.
The college students go there weekly and really make an impact. So I will be keeping you updated!
Well that's all for now Lots of love - Amy Louise
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The days are flying by and being pokey at the same time...
Here is Nya and our friend with his baby His name is Ekton and that is his daughter Shalom. Can we say sooooo very cute. They came over for dinner last night. What a treat to have them as friends.
Well lots of love and thank you for your prayers. As we live Malawi pray that we will impact those around us and also they will do the same. May we live as simply and serve Jesus fully!
Well that all for now! Love us!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Hi we are taking our sunday naps...
Nya in her bed with our dog Dolly...
So we went to the church I have mentioned before...
So loving it...
Here is the website to look at it for those who are curious.
We brought a freshman that is one of Bob's students Alenani with us. So fun for us!
Anyways that is all for now! I will write more when i have not a crying 2 year old on my leg.
Amy Louise
Friday, September 07, 2007
Here are some pictures for you...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
So below are some vidoes..
Lots of love for now. Not much time to blog...
Amy louise
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
our life...
Sunday, September 02, 2007
The previous post was chapel tonight...
So If you subscribe to my blog and you get a blog that just has a title on it: that usually means there is a video that I put on. So just go to the blog it self to watch the video...
To go to the blog from the email update : It is at the end of the email that says You are subscribed to email updates from The Stauffacher Family
Just click on The Stauffacher Family or go to
ANother week for us here begins. We think we have found a church here in Lilongwe. We are really excited about it. We will keep you updated.
Love- Amy Louise
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Petting lions in South Africa
Tomorrow we are head into town to visit a church. We had visited there before but the pastor was out of town. We really enjoyed it and look forward to see how it all works for us. They have childrens church and there are many families for the city of Lilongwe there. So fun for us get involved with local church. Maybe I will video for you if I remember.
So Nya did great in school! She really loves recess. What kindergardner doesn't?
Bob is so excited to teach these classes he has. He had fun this last week. He said he loves it. Preparing the future pastors and educators of Africa. That is really what is all about. Educating the Africans so they can accomplish so much more than some one who doesn't know the culture or the language.
So thank you for your prayers love and support of us. We couldn't be doing this without you.
Lots of love- Amy Louise