So we are still adjusting to no electricity. Here we are at dinner last night. No stove, no lights just pitch dark. It gets dark daily here at 6pm all year long. We have a rechargble lantern that charges while we have electricity and when it goes poof we have a light. Candles are not smart with little chickens so we have this. This one actually my dear friend Leanne's. Our is on the container. Yes the container who knows when it will be here. It is really stretching at this point to wait. But we wait. :) I really haven't really taken you to the places where I want to take you all because my brain is daily in the container is coming today. No sorry the container is not coming today maybe tomorrow. I am in the zone too much. SO I will start to take you into Africa and what we experiencing here. The campus, the classes, the outreaches, the city, goats in the middle of street along with everyone else, the market that plays 80's soft love songs. It will be fun. Really I will take you there just be patient with me as I have this container story ongoing. Thank you for all your love and prayers. Amy louise for now.
paper plates in Africa? Cool :)....Sure wish your stuff was with you, its making life harder isn't it? Soon it will be there and you will marvel at your impressive ability to live without it.
Weezie you grew up with candle lite dinners and so did Bobby. I guess you were missionaries in training way back then. I just don't get the cooking aspect of it. I guess you have to plan ahead and have it all done by the time the electricity goes off. Is your stove gas or electric? What do the girls think? Mom
Looks like the girls don't mind the dark. Hoping it is a fun part of their adventure! We love you and can't wait to hear of the daily things and activities. Love you, Caren
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