Sunday, February 27, 2011

the comparing journey

It is a funny journey this thing called life. I find myself in countdown mode these days and all that- that entails. Preparing to rent the house, getting the extra things that are needed or wanted and so forth. But it is funny how I have still time to compare myself to the next person, get hung up on on it and get stuck.

This word "missionary" was a big word for me to swallow for a long time, but once I finally accepted it - then what I found myself doing- was comparing myself to the "real missionaries" -you know the ones who go out into the jungles and pave the way to share the gospel to tribes that haven't even heard of it. That comparing has lead me to call myself a "fake missionary" - I subconsciously had accepted that I wasn't doing a enough. For me- having a washer and dryer and car was faking it. Not being in the jungles was faking it. But as I was sharing with a friend that I hadn't spoken to for a while sharing what we do, I said the "fake missionary" words and quickly continued on in my story. She stopped me and said - "you are not faking it. You are going to Africa - that is pretty real" Hmmm. That made me realize that I was putting myself in the place of not doing enough. Saying what God has me doing was not enough and I needed more to feel like I was doing something. What I really was doing was short changing what God had called me to and held myself back from experiencing the real joy of what He had given me to be doing. I stink in myself but for some reason I think I should be doing more. But He knows that I can handle what He has given me, not what I think. It is a "duh" But I see that I still have a lot to learn.

This lesson has not only been applied to that area in my life but also in many other areas of my life. I see how I do this comparision thing in my mamahood, my wifehood, my following Jesus hood, and my friendshiphood. It really is not fun to see my yuckyness come out when a spotlight is on my flesh. So here I stand- all my yuckyness laid out. But here is where I get grow and change. I have a choice. A choice to stay and compare or move forward and enjoy what He has given me to do. And really, isn't that what He wants from me anyways. Ok - so I want to grow and change and stop comparing. Baby steps to change. That is my prayer today.
So here is to growing and changing...Nya took this picture of me as we were at a park the other day...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Doctors needed at the Clinic....

This is a letter from our ABC director at ABC...

Greetings from Malawi. We need help at our hospital this summer. We’re looking for Doctors to fill in for the months of June, July & August.

Our clinic sees roughly 3, 000 patients a month - - most are seen by our three Malawian P.A.’s, but we also have two missionary physicians who see patients. Both are mothers who have kids enrolled at our academy and would like time off during the summer. If you know anyone who might be willing to come out for 3-6 weeks any time this summer it would help meet a huge need.

We have housing available here on the ABC campus. We also make a vehicle available to visiting Doctors.

It would be a great trip for a whole family. Our ABC students and graduates are involved in ministries all around Lilongwe & surrounding villages.

Below is our brochure on our clinic at ABC. If you know any doctors or medical staff that is willing come and have a life changing experience in Malawi, Africa. The clinic could sure use the help.
For more information email me-

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


There are days it feels so simple...

Ice skating for the first time
Bowling for the first time
Playing UNO with Tina via skype for the first time. :) that was fun

Simplicity at it's best. Sadly- we tend to complicate it with all of our junk. Being simple can quickly become complex if we don't be careful... Whether we are comparing ourselves to the next person, ( which I tend to do often ) or whether we bring our insecurities and dump them on those closest to us. We daily choose what we do trust Jesus and surrender or trust ourselves and worry...

Below is what I want to do... But often fail to do...

“give yourself fully to the adventure of today. walk boldly along the path of life, relying on your EVER-PRESENT Companion. you have every reason to be confident, because My presence accompanies you all the days of your life – and onward into eternity. DO NOT GIVE IN to fear or worry, those robbers of abundant living. trust Me enough to face problems as they come, rather than trying to anticipate them. fix your eyes on Me, the Author and Perfecter of your faith, and many difficulties on the road ahead will vanish before you reach them. whenever you start to feel afraid, remember that I am holding you by your RIGHT HAND. nothing can separate you from My presence!”

Lots of love- Amy Louise