Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas time in Africa...
So as we adjust to "We're Home" We will continue to update our little stories- Merry Christmas! Amy Louise
Merry Christmas...
The girls not too sure
Friday, December 21, 2007
Merry Christmas from us in Africa!!!
All the students have gone home and many of the staff have traveled back to america and so the campus is feeling quiet. We will spend Christmas here each other and were able to give others a good christmas too. That was fun. Just wanted to connect with you all and with a wonderful Christmas and great New year. Remember we love and miss you- Amy Louise for the family...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Working to Survive...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas Malawi Style...
So this last week was fun. We were healthy to start off with. Really Nobody sick! Yippee! Thank you for your prayers. We started the week off quiet by Wednesday I was helping decorate our Gym for the Christmas College Banquet. We set up for 350 people. That is including the staff and students. It was such a lovely dinner. Music and fun hang out time. I got to greet at the door! Oh so much fun. All the college girls came all decked out. The next night Nya had her Christmas Program! 300 KIDS! And about 600 parents. It was a packed house! They sang and did a christmas skit. There were 31 countries represented there. So cute! Never did I think I would be apart of something like that. Then the next day Nya had her Christmas Parties and then we started our first official Christmas vacation. Nya was beside herself that she doesn't have to go to school for a whole month. Below we took off on Saturday to visit the lake. It was fun, warm water and great memories for the girls. They were in the water the entire time. Then it came another animal across our path. Someone had got it off the side of the road and they didn't know what to do with it. So of course we will take it. It is not that we don't have enough animals along with the tortoise, spider, chamelion, and dolly. We need another. A baby deer. it is called a bush buck and the malawians eat it. So now we are raising it until we can't anymore and we will take it to the sactuary refuge for wild animals. So below is Analise at the lake right before we left. My friend Bethany used her camera to get these shots.
The tortise named GeorgeThe Spider named you are so scary. It is as big as your hand. And it crawls super fast.
Papa feeding the baby! He is bonding there!
Papa and the Baby!
So that all for now. We are adjusting better to Africa as we are healthy. The daily stories I wish I had time to tell. Like for example, I am potty training Analise and we were in the biggest grocery store that Lilongwe has and Analise had to go to toilet! Mommy was making sure she did too. During that trip we went about 4 times. Well to get to the potty we had to go past these guards. Everytime I went past them, I had to be throughly frisked and patted down and it was a serious pat down.(by a woman guard) Every thing was checked, I mean everything Seriously people, we are just going to the potty! It sure is not like I am stealing things and flushing them down the toilet. After the 3rd time I just looked at them, It is just the potty! Maybe they didn't know what I was doing I even tryed to explain potty training. Yeah right. I miss the good old days when you are rushing to the Bathroom in Target to make it to the "potty"and you can push your cart in there! No pat downs just strolling in there with all my stuff! Barely making around the corner with my cart full of stuff. Anyways just a small story. Love you lots and merry Christmas- Amy louise
Monday, December 17, 2007
WOW only 9 more days...
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's sad not to add new pictures...
I crave to do it. Just like the moments I find out that we don't have water, I am soo thirsty and want a shower. Even though 5 minutes before I was fine. I long to get pictures to you all. I think daily that would be a great picture or I should video the Christmas Concert here at ABC we had on Friday. I can't :( As far as we know our camera is still missing. So I will have to get a new camera as soon as I can. They are 3 times as much here so I will hopefully getting one from Amazon. And have a friend bring it.
But I did want share what we did have here at our house on Thanksgiving. Remember I was sick sick sick on that day and our internet was down. But At the Stauffy's Zoo (as we are know on campus) We had a real live turkey. Bob wanted to keep it forever with the conditions that it wasn't loud and didn't wake up Analise since it was right next to her window. Well- it wasn't loud but it pooped way too much. Bob had to clean that up too. So after day 3 he was sick of the poop. So he did not stay. But I did find out the female turkey call and made it and he puffed and looked beautiful and I took that picture. We have had a monitor lizard, every other lizard, a tortise, a chicken, every kind of spider and various bugs. I know that you are jealous. He wants a monkey next. If he has deal with the Poop (Big what we call it) That will be a passing fancy. Anyways just some fun notes for you... Love and miss you And 15 days till Christmas! Amy louise
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Our paper snail mail we sent out...
Dear friends and family,
Happy Thanksgiving…We will be celebrating Thanksgiving here in Africa for the first time, and with lots to be thankful for. We have been here in Malawi, Africa for almost 4 months. WOW! We are adjusting quickly to life here on campus and slowly to life here in Malawi. Fortunately time here in Africa comes in abundance…
What’s happening with us?
• Bob has been teaching Genesis, Ephesians and World Religions
classes at the college and a High School Bible Class at the academy
• Amy has been busy being a momma, helping at the clinic in the
x-ray department, and ministering to the women at the college
• Nya is in Kindergarten and has made many new friends. She
loves her teacher and really has started to read! Yippee!
• Analise has loved every minute of being here in Malawi. She loves being with Momma each day; going to local African villages; and playing with the locals without any fear. She relates well to everyone and everybody. She is even talking a little bit of
What’s happening on campus?
• Students are finishing their first semester…just 3 weeks away.
• The building process for the pediatric ward has begun. This
ward will be built next to the main clinic in order to serve as a
hospital for the children in the local villages
• The students here on campus have been serving the
communities weekly through various outreaches, which have
proven to very impactful.
What are we thankful for?
• We have know we are right where God wants us to be.
• We have good friends already.
• We are making an impact for Africa – we have had many
students who have expressed much appreciation for the
teaching, servitude, and commitment God has given us.
What do we need prayer for?
• Health – Moving here to Malawi has taken a little toll on our immune systems.
• We currently need a car that can transport more than just our family. So often we have to turn down requests from students and staff who want to go to church with us or who want to go on outreaches into the villages, etc. We are looking to raise about $5000. This would help us buy an 8 passenger vehicle.
• That God would protect our family against harm and that we
would not allow Satan to have any way into our lives.
• Travel safety -as this country has a very high traffic fatality rate.
Support and Contact Information:
• Email us at: or
• Follow our Blog with our Africa stories at:
• Stateside address: Stauffacher Family
c/o Susie Pearson 5418 N. Jefferson Spokane, WA 99205
• Malawi Address: African Bible College
Attn: Stauffacher’s
P.O. Box 1028
Lilongwe, Malawi
S.E. Africa
• If you are supporting us monthly or have a one-time gift, please make the check payable to “African Bible College” with “Stauffacher’s” in the memo line, and include your address, phone number, email and if it is a monthly or one-time gift. The ABC will send you a receipt each month and they will include an envelope for the next month. The mailing address
for this is:
African Bible College
Attn: Stauffacher Family
P.O. Box 103
Clinton, MS 39060
• All checks written to ABC are tax deductible. Your donations are
so much appreciated.
With Love- Bob, Amy, Nya & Analise Stauffacher
Our 1st day of no sickness in a month...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
You would have loved being at my house last night...
So Analise is feeling better, no more fever just crankies! Maybe 2 year old crankies or maybe tired of being sick crankies. Who knows she can't tell me even though I ask. But sadly Nya got a fever last night and it is throat infection that is going around campus. So I officially say that are in the moving to a new country sickies. We are really done being sick! But we have to continue to press on! So I am doing better, Analise better but cranky, Nya on antibiotics and Bob is doing pretty good. We love you all and miss home a lot these days. Applebees anyone! I would love to go to have my Oriental chicken salad! I miss it. Sure I would love to go shopping at Target! Just for nothing and walk out with 5 bags of nothing...I miss it. Anyways blah blah blah! Love - amy louise