So this last week was fun. We were healthy to start off with. Really Nobody sick! Yippee! Thank you for your prayers. We started the week off quiet by Wednesday I was helping decorate our Gym for the Christmas College Banquet. We set up for 350 people. That is including the staff and students. It was such a lovely dinner. Music and fun hang out time. I got to greet at the door! Oh so much fun. All the college girls came all decked out. The next night Nya had her Christmas Program! 300 KIDS! And about 600 parents. It was a packed house! They sang and did a christmas skit. There were 31 countries represented there. So cute! Never did I think I would be apart of something like that. Then the next day Nya had her Christmas Parties and then we started our first official Christmas vacation. Nya was beside herself that she doesn't have to go to school for a whole month. Below we took off on Saturday to visit the lake. It was fun, warm water and great memories for the girls. They were in the water the entire time. Then it came another animal across our path. Someone had got it off the side of the road and they didn't know what to do with it. So of course we will take it. It is not that we don't have enough animals along with the tortoise, spider, chamelion, and dolly. We need another. A baby deer. it is called a bush buck and the malawians eat it. So now we are raising it until we can't anymore and we will take it to the sactuary refuge for wild animals. So below is Analise at the lake right before we left. My friend Bethany used her camera to get these shots.
The tortise named GeorgeThe Spider named you are so scary. It is as big as your hand. And it crawls super fast.
Papa feeding the baby! He is bonding there!
Papa and the Baby!
So that all for now. We are adjusting better to Africa as we are healthy. The daily stories I wish I had time to tell. Like for example, I am potty training Analise and we were in the biggest grocery store that Lilongwe has and Analise had to go to toilet! Mommy was making sure she did too. During that trip we went about 4 times. Well to get to the potty we had to go past these guards. Everytime I went past them, I had to be throughly frisked and patted down and it was a serious pat down.(by a woman guard) Every thing was checked, I mean everything Seriously people, we are just going to the potty! It sure is not like I am stealing things and flushing them down the toilet. After the 3rd time I just looked at them, It is just the potty! Maybe they didn't know what I was doing I even tryed to explain potty training. Yeah right. I miss the good old days when you are rushing to the Bathroom in Target to make it to the "potty"and you can push your cart in there! No pat downs just strolling in there with all my stuff! Barely making around the corner with my cart full of stuff. Anyways just a small story. Love you lots and merry Christmas- Amy louise
Thanks for the was fun to see the petting zoo. Love you guys and miss you. I am glad it is going better, health wise for you all. Merry Christmas...Mom Warrick
hey amy just wanted to tell u i definitely miss movie nights at the stauffacher house!!! i'm glad ur adding to the many pets hope ur christmas was wonderful and that u received my email!!! love ya heather
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