Thursday, August 30, 2007
So i noticed...
Amy louise- for the family
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
No internet and sometimes no electricity...
But we still in full swing of things. Nya started preschool yesterday and loved every minute of it. But she claimed it was so sad that there was no homework. Probably the only year she will say that. I know that. It is awesome to see her automatically making friends and loving recess. She really adapts very well.
Bob starts tomorrow teaching. He has his Genesis class that has 40 students in it. It is a freshman class 3 times a week. He also has His Ephesians class 2 times a week tomorrow. It is an elective so all different grades are there. On Thursdays he will be headed into the villages to work with orphans and children with the child evangelism project with students from the colleges. We plan to head there with him. Bob also will be teaching 2 times a week a World Religions class that is also an elective. And he will be teaching at the high school 10-11th grade bible. SO Busy will be his middle name.
Anyways Thank you for your prayers Our container is here in Lilongwe. So we are just waiting for it to get out of customs. It is a huge process that I don't even understand. So we wait. It could be tomorrow or maybe 2 weeks from now. So my prayer is that it soon soon soon.
We have had our battles with electricity today was a brown out not a black out. So our lights and everything went in dim mode. My neighbor that has lived here for 17 years came and told unplug your fridge and all important electronics because they tend to blow up with brown out. Great. Blowing up electronics. And you know that a new fridge costs at least 3 thousand dollars here. Super! Africa no reasons to explain brown outs.
Also we have had no Internet for the last 6 days. It is such a claustrophobic feeling for me! But it is up and running tonight. Yippee! SO I blog to you all. or as they say here y'all! Alot of southern sweet folk live here.
Well as for now we are in high gear mode. So far we haven't gotten sick so that is another answer to prayer! I will get pictures tomorrow of Nya at school and Bob at school!
Well-lots of love Amy Louise
Monday, August 20, 2007
My little helper...
Here is a picture of my wash clothe that is actually my paper towel. So when you are complaining about cleaning this remember to be thankful for your conveniences. I miss paper towels already.
We went to church yesterday and loved it. The pastor was out of town so we don't really know how it will be when he is in town. But we will try it again. It was so fun to immersed with Malawians here. It will be great to have deep friendships with people here in Lilongwe.
School starts next week for Bob and Nya. It will be good to start a routine and start doing outreaches here in the city. Outreaches will include street evangelism and working with the street people and also in orphanages and prisons. It will refreshing to start the next season. We will be keeping you all in the loop.
Thank you for prayers we appreciate them. Please being praying for us as we head into routine and also get involved with local ministries. Pray for the church that we are to be apart of. And pray that as I work in the hospital and Bob teaches that we will radiate Christ. Pray also that Nya and Analise will continue to remain healthy and that settle in here at their new home.
Love you all- Amy Louise for the family
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Backyard.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Settling down...
Our new friend Josephine..
Grandma J wrapped a baby on Little Missy's back just like the mamma's do here. Bob had to hold her so I could take a picture.
Here is my kitchen. She is awesome!
So here I am learning to put away my pride and trust that we are making a difference.
Amy Louise
Here are some pictures of our house...
Here is Analise on our borrowed couch. This is what you see right when you walk in the front door. Do you see my laptop on the couch? That is where I am sitting right now and typing.
Here is Little Missy walking out the front door and Dolly going with her to great Sundance the neighbors dog. Where Sundance is where we park our car. Bob is out running errands. He is always asking me what can I go out and get next. I hate running errands because driving in car thing. Very stressful. Wrong side of the road, too many people asking to be hit. It is so Not relaxing for me. He loves it. So he goes to town. He is in his element. He likes to drive more.:) I sent him to go find baskets big baskets for shoes and toys. So he was excited and was gone. He was going to get a friend and do it.
Well- that it for now...
Amy Louise for the familita
So here are some pictures...
So I will keep posting pictures.
Love- Amy Louise
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Know it has been 2 days...
So you know I decided to drive the car yesterday. Okay all I can say, Who thought it was okay to switch side of the road and put the steering wheel on the other side. I am a nervous wreck just driving 5 miles per hour. At least our car is not a stick shift. I was barely driving on campus and I was shaking. I said forget it let's go out of campus and take it head on ( not literally) So with Bob car sick he said sure. So we did. I was breathing heavy and sweating. We had the girls in the back seat. Now why is it that when both parents are in the car they still ask Mom first. Can't they tell I am falling apart and Bob is just car sick. Why not ask Him first. Dad can i roll down the window. No it's Mom Mom Mom. For some reason they still need me to tell them Ask your dad. So we made it down the street with out me hitting anyone. With Bob reminding me to watch that and this. We made it to the local 7/11 Seriously we went to 7/11 to get gas and a knife. No Not for protection but I don't have one to cut things with like food. We have all our stuff still coming on the container. So I am made it. Driving won't be a luxury taken for granted. I so appreciate Bob doing it when we go out.
Well- that's all for now. We love you all and miss you guys even more.
Love- Amy Louise for the family
Sunday, August 12, 2007
No pictures yet...
Amy Louise for the familita
Friday, August 10, 2007
SO this is Africa....
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Baby lions and giraffes on the other side of the world...
Monday, August 06, 2007
It is easy to fly to South Africa with 2 small kids?
Saturday, August 04, 2007
the end of the season and a beginning of another...
Love- us