Sunday, October 03, 2010


That is what is going on here. Living in the moments. Whether it is with people or ourselves we are just having moments.

These last few months have been moments of -
  • New school for the girls
  • New friends for all of us
  • Processing the pace of the land that we call our "home cuture"
  • Noticing that we drive alot in our cars
  • Seeing that we have to be intentional to meet with people, they don't just show up at your door
  • Explaining sports, bathrooms, why grocery stores have so much food and where it all goes if someone doesn't buy it
  • realizing that there is really a gift of dishwashers
  • reconnecting with friends
  • loving the smell and sound of the ocean
  • watching the girls process life in every angle - the simple and complex
  • seeing God provide in all that we need through friends and family supporting us
  • realizing how much we love Africa in light of America
  • realizing how much we love America in the light of Africa
  • Loving the mexican food available, target and dr pepper ( i know i say this often but it is true!)
  • Loving living in our dream house
  • loving meeting old friends and meeting new friends
  • Watching the girls settle into routine and thrive
  • watching Bob teach the girls baseball - it is very cute!
Living in the simple moments! Love them!
Lots of love- Amy Louise

Here is my last email update for those who didn't get that....
As we are settling into routine here in good old America, I am finding that life is full of choices. I already knew this but when we have not been exposed to so many choices for a long period of time it really impacts you. In Africa- when I wanted to get yogurt, there was only 2 brands and many times there was none. Yes- NONE! Strangely :) - I found myself a little bit crabby about that. But as I go to the grocery store here- I am quickly overwhelmed by choices I have of just the one brand that 27 different types. Thanks yoplait! Not to mention that there are 15 more brands to choose from. Strange to go from one or none to so many. Simple analogy but that is life. Choices- What we invest our time in, who we spend our time with, how we give out, and all that is in between that (ie food, clothes, the daily stuff of life). Daily we have to choose if we are living for ourselves or are we living for Christ. We are constantly choosing. When you living in this land of plenty you realize how big and many your choices are and really how they can impact you life even if they seem small. It is the daily choices that really is what God is interested in. We think that only the big choices matter but the little ones matter also. The little choices of our lives are what impacts the bigger picture of our lives.

This picture captures just the choices of cheese! In Africa I think I three choices of cheese.... Really!

We have a full month this October- So please pray as we are making right choices -
Bob- He will be helping out with the High School Group at our church, be hosting a small group, and as he is painting

Amy- I have about 4 different types of sharing times this month, Please pray as I share that it would be not me but Christ radiating through. I am just a broken person who needs to choose Jesus everyday.

Nya and Analise- That they would continue to do well in school and as they both are wishing they were home in Africa that they would continue to choose to enjoy their time here in America.

We would love to connect with many of you. As the holidays are fast approaching, please if you are interested in coming over for dinner we would love to have you. Please email me and we will schedule a date. We are also going to have an open house early November to connect with more of you. Thank you for loving and financially supporting us as we here in America making choices.

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