While all this is going on Bob has continued teaching classes here at ABC. As I type this I hear 20 high schoolers in my living room for a breakfast and a bible study. Yep- Spring is in the air and the countdown has begun. The seniors at the college are getting sad to leave and are so ready to leave at the same time. We have spiritual emphasis week coming, we have banquets to prepare for and graduation to get ready. We are excited for them. They are those that we invest in and then they leave to impact Malawi and Africa.
Please pray for us as we are definitely trying to stay healthy. Both Nya and I have had Malaria this month. It is has really depleted us. It is like a really bad flu times 10. We took the medicine for it and it worked great. Just a slow recovery. Pray for continual strength and health in our family. We have seen enough sickness for a while. We ready to be off the sick train. For some reason we are stuck on it.
A praise we have is we are privileged to be coming home in the middle of June for a year long home assignment. We will be living in San Diego and will be so excited to share what is happening with us at ABC.
Praise God that He continues to be faithful through all of your love, support and encouragement.
Living, learning and loving- bob, amy, nya and analise