Analise has turned 3 years old. What fun she had and so did we...
Here she is with some of kids here...
Bob decorated the cake... It's Strawberry Shortcake of course! She so wanted a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake.
Making her wish! She said that she wants to be married - To Bob! So sweet!
So Nya is showing off losing her 2 front teeth...She loves to ham it up for the camera!
well- Our car situation is still going on. Not fun. We are able to borrow a friend's car, so that works good. We are not able to get good parts here. they are shady sometimes they are real parts and some times they are fakes. So it is trial and error. with 4 weeks now waiting! "They" say it should be all put together by "Tuesday". So we would appreciate any prayers! Along with not good parts, it is hard to find gas. I went to 9 gas stations last week (as I was borrowing my friends car) and there was only one place I could get it. Well-It was a 3 hour wait. So not fun. Oh joys of living in Malawi.
Well- we have been really excited to be apart of our local Church here. It started 6 months ago now. It is growing and passionately lead by an ABC graduate. It is so refreshing to be apart of the local Malawian church here. Bob and I are apart of the leadership team. You may be wondering what is our responsibility is ! It is "hospitality" ! We are responsible to build the sense of community and fellowship in our church. Right up our alley! We are so excited to do that. We love people!
Well- just a little update from us!
Love - Amy Louise
Weezie and Bobby - Howdy ya'all!!
Sorry we had to go when we were just beginning to talk. I tried to call you on Friday, but there was no answer on your home or cell phone. As you may know we got Laddie back in the middle of the night. We were glad to see him as I am sure you were when Dolly was lost a while back. Thank you for your prayers for that situation. Also want you both to know that we love and pray much for you! We miss you and look forward to all that the Lord is doing and will do in the days ahead. Keep your eyes on Him, He is faithful and His mercies never cease. Hope to talk to you soon. Much love papa G. =)
the girls look great, tell them i said hi. can't wait to see you guys in august.
I stumbled upon this on the internet. Very interesting! You are in the tradition of a long line of Stauffacher missionaries in Africa. My husband and I (Mary Anne Stauffacher Harris) served in Central African Republic for 20 years, and now go over almost every year to teach in Chad as well as CAR from time to time. Please put us on your e mail update list.
Sorry I gave you a bad e mail address: it's
Mary Anne H.
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