Yesterday I updated you on what is going on this week at the Clinic. My good friend Jill tirelessly
updated her blog overnight! She took some amazing pictures... Thought I would share what I saw today!
My friend Tracy with Grace yesterday! |
This is Grace right after surgery.... |
The missionaries who work at the Clinic, have been so amazing getting everything ready for all the surgeries that were going to happen this week. The team of specialists that are here working for free has worked tirelessly throughout the year to raise funds for this trip! This is a snapshot of one life changed! So many more lives will be affected by these people here! It is so refreshing to keep perspective. God cares about the little details and for Grace it will build her self confidence and in many other ways she has yet to know. God uses people to love on people. May we continue to be a light and allow Him to use us daily!
our sweet tina - sugarbear, in her university's newspaper |
On another Amazing Note! Our sweet Tina has finished her MBA program and gotten her visa (which was another miracle) to work in the states to work as intern for the next year. We are soooo proud of her and she graduates on May 18th! Wish we could fly back and be there on that special day! This is when we feel very very far away from Home! She is hoping to work for the UN and transform the world ( well at least offer her skills and do one step at a time).
What else is happening here...
- Bob's Master's of Divinity program is back in full swing. Bob says it is so amazing to be teaching these future leaders of Malawi. We went to one of his students church that He pastors this last sunday! It was so great to see the impact that he is making in other people's lives.
- Due to the recent break in's, Bob has tirelessly been working with a team of men making our campus safer. ( if your bored and you want to see what our campus looks like via google maps -Go to this link - Maps on Google , then type in African Bible College (ABC), Lilongwe, Malawi and press the magnifying glass on for the search) All the details that he has to do is another full time job, on top of his other full time job which is teaching! So definitely would appreciate prayers for that!
- The girls are busy with school and friends and after school activities! They just came home from school this afternoon and said they are going up to the clinic to play with kids who were waiting for surgery! They are bringing bubbles and papers and crayons! I love that they have a heart to love on people! Can't believe that next month, Nya will be 11 and Analise will be 8 this June!
- Luke is a busy busy almost 17 month old! He keeps me hopping. So boy in everything he does! He loves people and would go home with anyone! Most Malawians love it due to there are not that many little missionary babies around here. (well - most missionaries come when their kids are older)
- I have been busy with mamahood, helping people and projects on campus, teams that come (like the one that is here doing surgeries) and loving on the college students and many other people that come to our house. It is very busy and rewarding. I am just trying to keep family and other stuff balanced. I want to help in a thousand different ways but find that I need to keep my family the priority and everything else comes second. I would love prayers to do that daily!
- Please pray for our health! It is so discouraging to be sick and have to keep on going on. We have had someone sick in our house for the last month.
Thank you for being apart of this journey with us! Amazing to have people praying and loving on us! We couldn't do what we do without you!
Love- all of us!
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