Wednesday, November 28, 2012

learning and growing...

I am doing this awesome bible study and thought I would share a snippet.  It is too good not to share...

"One reason God allows us to experience troubles is because He desires to reveal His joy to us through restoration.  A consistent theme running throughout God's Word is the believer's trial resulting from God's perfect will.  I am not referring to God's permissive will when we choose to go astray.  I am referring to His perfect choice for us to know hardship for kingdom gain...times He ordains difficulty in our lives.... Rarely has God removed from my life circumstances or people that force me to my knees. Many of my trails must have been ordained by Him because of the results they rendered. "  Living beyond yourself- beth moore

 I love and don't love it all at the same time.  Help me God to accept what you have given me to learn and grow!

Praying for you my sweet friends as we have a daily choice to serve the Creator.
Amy Louise

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