Love goes deep. It transforms and quickly heals where open wounds were. The gift that Godgives us is that He blesses in healing us. The amazing things I see in the college students that are at ABC are lives transformed. God taking the broken hearted, the abandoned, and through the poverty and giving us Hope! Like for example... Orphans loving on Orphans... Powerful....

Here is Tina! My sweet friend who is an orphan - We went to Crisis Nursery here and She became superwoman taking on 2 babies. Loving deeply for these kids who are orphans. Don't you love her infectious smile. Her laugh is even more amazing. God has taken her broken heart and healed her deeply and given her a new family! Us! We Love that she apart of our lives. She brought us so much joy over these last 2 years - We love sharing life with her.

Here is sweet girlie Maggie. She is visiting for a month. She was a previous student of Bob's at Christian High School. We saw her this summer and told come and visit us and she did! What a treat to share life here in Africa with her fresh perspective. I love hearing the stories that she gets experience through her view.

Here is another college senior Umodzi! She really has been a joy to be around and she so enjoys coming to the orphanage with us. The Lady in the middle is the only nurse for the 22 babies at the Crisis Nursery. Understaffed is an understatement. Nya is so big now that she is able to love on these cute babies. She calls them sugarbears.

Tina Tina! We love you!

Here are 2 pairs of eyes that are so sweet. This is baby girl Sophless... She was delicious and so fun to feed and love on. Nya helped with her the entire time! So sweet to see my baby love on babies!

Here is Mphatso. She smiled and continually loved being on my lap. I love that it is simple to love. She makes it even more easier!

Here is another sweet girl I love loving on. She is our superhero at ABC. She teaches computers, PE, and is everyone's substitute. Candice and I have created a deep friendship and I so enjoy her.

Here is Maggie and Tina! Too Cute! Already good friends.
Loving people here and asking God to continually bring people who need Him to love them. Pray that we will be bigger than ourselves and go deeper and bigger and reach higher. Love- Us
1 comment:
Thanks Wezie for the great pictures!! We miss all those that we see and don't see there. Hope to talk to you soon!!! love dad
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