This has been the longest journey yet. You know how you love the DMV! Well just know that the DMV here is even more amazing. That is all in a sacartastic voice! :) Last year when we tried to get our Malawi Driver's License and were denied because we only had a reciept of our visa ( we hadn't been given our real visa until this last December) The Man - told us " I don't know if you will get your visa because this piece of paper is only a receipt." Ok. So what are we supposed to do about driving and being pulled over. ( Pulled over here is not the same in the US.) Pulled over means a man standing in the middle of the road waving at you to make you stop and check our your records. So we had his boss make us a piece of official paper that says we can drive here in Malawi. So we had to get Bob's his license here becasue since he was traveling it would make sense not to deal with any problems. The journey began at 7am. We got there and waited 2 hours. Here is analise taking pictures...


Still waiting...

By 2:30pm we had come and gone back and finished the process. We had it done...

Then the Man who I didn't take a picture of because I know he would of been cranky... Had to clear it... With....

Money... It is what makes the world work....

Waiting... To .... Pay.....

Still Waiting......

Ah the Temporary until the real thing comes in 2 weeks. Bob ended up getting his faster with a little Malawian help.... So You think things in America can get on your nerves. Just come to a place where the system doesn't work right and see how it all goes for you...
So the latest on bob and the team. they got there with no problems and are doing great. They are helping build as school and in the afternoon working with the church there. Us girlies are doing good. No problems. AHHH....
Lots of love- amy louise
Love the pic of Analise and Nya sitting in the chair...WAITING!
Hi Bob sounds like you are having a lot of fun down there my brother David served his mission in Botswana and his land river kept getting stolen. I live in salt lake with my wife no kids yet. Keep up the good work
Crazy. We can definitely relate. Any "official" in the Philippines took forever. Especially visa stuff since we had to wait in lines for hours just to have someone tell us to go to another line. At one government office we had to wait in one line so that someone could check the signature from the previous government official and tell us that it was valid.
Getting a driver's license wasn't quite as bad as it sounds like it was for you guys though. They just made us take a drug test in a little shack, get a "physical" from a doctor, pay the fees and fill out all the right forms. It only took me about half the day.
I am glad that you guys can remain calm in those days and see some humor in all of it too.
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