Thursday, May 29, 2008
He came home in one piece...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hello friends and Family...
Here is a email I sent out for those who didn't get to read it...
We are so excited to see our first Graduation here in Africa. Our kids are graduating...That is our Senior ABC Students are graduating. On June 7th we will be there! We have guest speakers and fun graduation events to be apart until then. On June 8th we are going to be apart of our Church as it gets commissioned here in Lilongwe as a branch church of the Flood church in San Diego. So fun for us. We are all well here. We have been super busy with the students investing as much time in them before they leave to work in the big world out there. Some of them are only 21 years old and others are 50 years old. Many are planning to be missionaries in villages. A couple of them are planning to be pastors and teachers. We will be putting pictures on our blog. Anyways just wanted update you all as we continue on in our journey here in Malawi.
Please remember prayer for us-
- as we have only 3 weeks until School is done here.
- as we go back to the village of Khuyu on June 12 -16 to do more discipleship with those who received Christ in March with the first team. Nya and Analise are coming too. It will be an amazing experience for them to stay in the village! With all the goats cows and chickens.....
-continue to show the Jesus film to new crowds and share the gospel and disciple local Malawians.
We are thankful for all your prayer and love and support. We definitely would not be here if it wasn't for you!
Love the stauffachers
Thursday, May 15, 2008
the island pictures finally and what we are up to...
This is main area that we hung out and in it had a place where we could get drinks. Yippee they had Coke. We did bring our own food and cooked it...
Here is where we slept!
Here is Analise helping with the dishes. The girls did soooo great the entire time. They loved hanging with the all the teenagers!
So we have been super busy even with a kidney infection. I am much better now. Thank you for you love and prayers. We have been super healthy for the last 4 months. It has been refreshing. We have really enjoyed having deeper relationships with the students. I pretty much now know all the girls names. With Names like Mwai, Chimwewe, Atupele, Hennelise, Chifundo, Kisa, Chokondi, Mtendere, Dyna, Mufunasa It gets complicated. I love being apart of their lives and really investing. We had all the seniors over for French Toast this week . How fun to feed people something they have never really had. Then I had the senior girls over for Tacos ( you know that means in Chichewa -Butt) I know wow I got to feed them Butt! They loved the tacos. We then got to watch a movie and feed them my favorite thing in life here - POPCORN! Then this morning I got to feed them and teach them how to Make Pancakes and Waffles. Oh so fun. They were all crowded around and loving it all. I tell that is fun. We have fun feeding and spiritually feeding these people. They are now trusting us with deeper things and coming to Bob and I for Guidance in many areas of their spiritual journeys. Yippee! We love it. We love being challanged and growing too.
Here they all are trying to get as close as possible to the pancakes! See cute Analise in the back of Chikondi. So Cute.
Please pray for Bob this weekend. He will be traveling to a village of a students here at ABC about 1 1/2 hour away to preach at a local church and secondary school There will be about 1000 people that will hear how God can change your life! So if you remember to pray that Lives will be changed and also impacted. He has been really loving going to the villages and impacting people lives. He went and showed the Jesus film to the village I had put on a previous blog. He connected with the head chief of the village and will continue to reach this unreached area as we continue on here at ABC. The head chief is head of about 10 villages or more Bob tells me. WOW! that is what I call Impacting what God has put us.
thank you for all your love and financial support. We could be here and sharing the gospel and loving people for Jesus if it wasn't for you. Your team support is amazing. Love - amy louise for the stauffacher family
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Well it was 5 hour trip to the island...
Thursday, May 01, 2008
So are off...
Zikomo- Thank you in Chichewa
Amy Louise