Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Finding God's rhythm...

After 2 whole weeks of JET LAG!  It's official!  We are still tired.  We have been running at a thousand miles per hour due to something God started back in March.  When we announced that we were returning from Malawi to the States, a pastor friend emailed and offered a potential pastoral job in the San Diego area!  We prayed and have continued to seek God's wisdom about if that was what God had planned for us  After 4 months we are still convinced that this is what God has for the Stauffacher family's next step.  WOW!  We are excited and honored to be apart of this story!  Bob is going to do amazing and so fun to see that the next steps are what God had designed over these last years.  We are privileged to be called His kids and that He continues to direct our steps... Bob will start the position in mid September. We were voted in by the congregation yesterday and confirmed by the board of elders last week.  WoW!  We are looking to the King to carry us on!  So thankful to have such amazing friends and family that are praying and loving and supporting us as we go along...  We seriously could not do it with you all!  Will keep you updated!  Love all the Stauffachers

1 comment:

Olson Family said...

I love this! Thank you for sharing your heart, Amy! Oh, that we may "find God's rhythm" even when it feels like life is moving at a thousand miles per hour. I needed this today.

Love you, sister.