Well- Happy New Year from ABC! So sorry that I haven't blogged forever. I have some weird issue with my arm and have been unable to use my desktop and can only type on Bob's laptop. So sadly the only chance I time to type is in the late evening and for some reason I never get 2nd winds over here in Africa. My bed calls me by 8:30pm. I wanted update for forever. We have had a quiet start to our new year. I can't believe that it is already the middle of January. We did have a minor earthquake so that shook us up a bit but nothing like Haiti. We are definelty praying for those people over there.
So here is the update on us...Over this last couple of weeks - we have been catching our breath from all the business of school. We all got sick right before school ended and then right as Christmas week started Bob had a serious sinus infection that laid him out for about 2 weeks. Vacation is good for the body and spirit. We were able to get away for a couple of days to the southern region of Malawi. There is a mountain called Mount Mulangi. They have amazing tea plantations down there that were started over a hundred years ago. We stayed at a lodge that was the owners house at one time. It was fun to rest, laugh and play together. We went with other friends from ABC Campus.

Here is the house we stayed in. It is over a hundred years old. I love that it still looks amazing for a house in Africa for a hundred years old.
Mt Mulangie

The Tea Plantation. So very lushish and really green

Here is the group before we went on the hike up to waterfalls.

Analisey is hanging with new buddies...

Isn't it amazing that beauty of Creation yells Heaven!

Here is the lower falls...

We were so blessed to have alot of fun! We are ready for school to start and ready for the students to come back! Life is full and busy and we are looking forward to rhythm of life here in Malawi! Thank you for your prayers! Love all of us!