So we were apart of Ronald and Ulemu Wedding day. We were the Lead Couple. It is the couple they look up to and respect. WoW what a treat. It is seriously an all day event. It starts off with a wedding at 9am in the morning. Only reallllly close friends and family come. Sometimes not even the close friends attend it. It was all in Chichewa so it was hard to understand. We got interpertation here and there. We got the jest of it all.

Then at 1:30ish (African time) - it could start up to 2 hours later. There is a the reception that people come to give gifts and bless them with money.

As the Lead Couple we had to dance our way in. I have video of it. I will put it on too. I just have to get it from my friend. Everyone dances in and out of the reception. Even the Bride and Groom. But we are soooo white. Bad dancers. :) We tried and everybody loved it. Oh well it was fun...

Even the Bridemaids and Groomsmen dance their way to the platform.... Once on the platform we sit until 4:30ish... Watch the reception and dance too...

Here is Ronald and Ulemu on the Couch! They are so cute! They sit here while the reception is going on....
Here Bob and I are on the platform. Right before Bob was going to give them Kwacha! (Money)

Here is the cutting of the cake. It is actually a fake cake with real frosting. it is too expensive to have a cake for 300 people.
We have been so fortunate to have them as friends for the last year. And so neat to be apart of thier wedding. The Videos below show how dancing is done at the reception. The DJ plays music and people dance and give the bride and groom Money. Watch Bob as he does it. So fun!
Anyways that is a wedding in Malawi.... Thanks for enjoying it with us.
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