One of bob's students from the MDiv Program and Popapo and his family |
Limbani! Luke's big brother |
Bob's head of security chief graduated... Isreal is a great friend |
Hanging out with freshman Penelope and Sophmore Beatrice |
Good friend Richie and Mtansha! Mtansha works as the Graduate Program Assistant - P.S. Wonder where Luke went... |
Here He was playing the drums! We found him.... he is sneaky! |
This sweet lady is Chimweme And she loves doing the ABC Radio that is heard all over the Country. She came even when the country was out fuel. She made her way every day and still does after she has graduated... |
Fellow Missionary friends out for lunch for my birthday! I am truly spoiled with girlfriends!
BRRRRRR! It's winter in Malawi and it's getting cold at night. I am sending the girls to bed with hot water bottles since we have no heat in our house. It can get down to 30 at night!
We have been Busy Busy Busy! People People People! Senior dinners, Short term mission teams visiting, saying good bye to friends that are moving on in their lives and new people coming and settling....
What is going on for us and how to pray!
Bob has been given the responsibly to be running the entire Master Program by himself. The family that he had been doing that with has moved. He is now has 60 students that are in 2 different programs, 8 professors and juggling all the different hats that are needed to get down for running a Graduate Studies Program. Please pray for him as he carries these new responsibilities and still has his other duties too ( head of security, updating security for the entire campus of 50 acres, and full time professor)
My -
Amy - jobs along with being a mama and a support to Bob, I along with my friend and fellow missionary Marion will be preparing houses and dorms and guest house for new families and new teachers that are coming for the new year starting in July! We are busy cleaning, making beds and taking care of all the details that come with hosting people!
The sweet little Chickens -
Nya, Analise and Lukie are busy everyday with friends and adventures with their mama. We are headed to the village every week to love on orphans and people! We are looking for outlets to remember to not be self focused but be Christ focused. We can live surrounded by poverty and still can struggle with wanting more stuff and not be content. We are using this winter (summer) to focus on people! Look for ways to become bigger perspective people! By taking our focus off our wants ( not be self focused ) and be Christ centered!
Thank you for Praying for us....
I am ending this with a quote that one of Bob's graduate students - he also is a pastor of a church here in Malawi... had written on his facebook status' and This is our prayer that we would we shine Jesus in all that we do and we would encourage and love on all those we come in contact with....
MISSIONARIES to Africa are often misunderstood by their home cultures, often mistrusted by the cultures they work in, often mishandled by the mission organizations they work with, and often misrepresented by other missionaries who are in Africa more as masters and tourists than servants and pilgrims. HOWEVER, as one who was taught by good missionaries, loved by good missionaries, mentored by good missionaries, sponsored by good missionaries, baptized by good missionaries, recruited by good missionaries, trusted by good missionaries, and followed by good missionaries, all I can say to all the good missionaries who've ever endured the sadness of leaving either their home for the foreign field or the foreign field to return home: Thank you for your obedience to the Lord who sent you, for your compassion on the poor and lost he died for, for your service to the church he lives in, and for your surrender to the local leaders he equipped through you. You are the light of the world and by far one of God's best gifts to Africa.