Friday, June 25, 2010
We made it to the land of seriously... PLENTY!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Teachers Needed

Tuesday, June 01, 2010
a prayer newsletter....
I love that this is where we are and this is where we are making a difference. For now over 3 years we have been able to change and impact lives here in Africa. What a privilege. Definitely our lives have been changed forever and impacted more than we can ever imagine. Thank you for being apart of it. Your prayers and financial support has carried us this far. We so appreciate it. Words seem so little when the appreciation goes so deep.
We have been so blessed to see God provide over these last 3 years for our every need. Physical and Spiritual. IT is humbling to be dependent on Him and see Him use people to impact our lives. HUMBLING!
Please continue to pray as we will travel on June 12th ( My 35th birthday! ) to head to San Diego. That is 38 hour flight. Oh Joy! We plan to live there for this next year while we are on home assignment (Which will be absolutely delicious). We then will be headed to Spokane in August to connect with family and friends. We are praying to be able to travel to east coast also via car. So more specific dates and places to come. We hope to meet with as many of our supporters and our churches as we can. Email me if you are interested in seeing us. We would love to connect...
Please continue to pray as our time here is winding down that we will not get sick and will be able to finish well.
Please pray as we will need a car when we get there. As we are living in San Diego, which is not the cheapest place to live and living on missionary support will not be enough. Bob will be painting some houses to help with finances as our support will not be enough to carry us through. We are asking God to provide and we know HE definitely can do it, but really would love your prayers... - that helps us through our human side that does the worrying. We still have to daily surrender our needs to Him. It definitely keeps us close to Him. He is the Big Banker and has the power to carry us through. We are so thankful for that.
thanks for loving, praying and interceding for us! love- amy louise for the family!