Well hello from No Gas Land. We have been not going anywhere for the last few weeks due to the fuel crisis. It has been pretty frustrating. Some fuel has come in spurts. It comes in and there about 100 people waiting and then a 100 more people come so it is pretty crazy. So we just continue to wait it out. It feels like being snowed in for those who have ever experienced that. So we wait and see. It has been not very fun to say the least.
We have been busy with just life. When you are doing the same things everyday. It does get not very newsworthy. We are thankful to be here right here, right now. We have some missionaries leaving due to medical needs this month. They have been in Africa for 40 years. Amazing couple. They have given 27 of those years to African Bible College. Their story is refreshing and amazing. It will be very sad to see them leave. Please continue to pray for Glenn and Fern Byerly. They began their journey in 1970 serving in the Congo. From there they heard about ABC in Liberia and moved over. They went through the war teaching until bullets caused them to leave. They went back about a year later and continued the ABC in Exile with the refugees of the war and ABC students is Guinea. From there, they moved to ABC Malawi and has an amazing impact in 100s of students lives. They story reminds me to continue to push through even though I am pushed out. They remind to see God's sovereignty in all situations. I seek Him when it is good and when it gets bad. Faith is built not on emotions and experiences but who He says He is. I am thankful to have people in our lives to point us back to the simplicity of the Cross.
Thank you for loving us through your emails, prayers and support! Thank you thank you- Love all of us!
PS I tried to add pictures but it didnt upload. We try again later!