I love to hear my girls as they process life and how they see it. Simply and beautifully. The other night analise went and slept with Tina in her college dorm and then the next day went into town to get extenstions for her hair to be braided in.
They took a minibus and hung out all day together. It is amazing that 2 people can be soul sisters instantly. That is what happened to Analise and Tina.
I love watching how they get along. Analise asks Tina honest questions about anything and Tina responds honestly. I love to hear what they process together. The other day Analise was saying how glad she was that they are the same people under the skin. As she said " we got the same blood so that makes us the sames and we have the same middle name so we are sisters! " Simple understanding and simple love. Please pray for Tina as she has her visa appointment on June 2nd to get into the states for school. We are so excited to share our new daughter with you all. She is simply delicious.
Who knew that God could give me a heart to love another person with the love I have for my girls. Amazing love! See you soon. Lots of love- from all of us...